The PM Kisan (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi or PMKSNY) program was developed by Government of India in order to enhance the incomes of small and medium-sized farmers by providing minimum assured income of 6000 INR per annum through DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) via three equal installments of 2000 INR each. This PM Kisan 2022 Scheme, in conjunction with the Digital India project, has enabled the country’s 12 crore farmers to receive PM KISAN benefits.
पीएम किसान (प्रधान मंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि या पीएमकेएसएनवाई) कार्यक्रम भारत सरकार द्वारा छोटे और मध्यम आकार के किसानों की आय बढ़ाने के लिए डीबीटी (प्रत्यक्ष लाभ हस्तांतरण) के माध्यम से प्रति वर्ष 6000 रुपये की न्यूनतम सुनिश्चित आय प्रदान करने के लिए विकसित किया गया था। 2000 INR प्रत्येक की तीन समान किश्तें। इस पीएम किसान 2022 योजना ने डिजिटल इंडिया परियोजना के साथ मिलकर देश के 12 करोड़ किसानों को पीएम किसान लाभ प्राप्त करने में सक्षम बनाया है।
So far, farmers have received Rs 1 lakh 60 crore under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme. During the epidemic, Rs 1 lakh crore was distributed to small farmers. During the Corona Pandemic, about 2 crore Kisan Credit Cards were distributed, the majority of which was granted to the small farmers. Such farmers would get profited from the country’s upcoming agricultural infrastructure and communications infrastructure. Small farmers will also get benefited from initiatives like as Food Parks, Kisan Rails, and the Infrastructure Fund. More than 6,000 projects have been authorised by the Infrastructure Fund in the last year.
पीएम किसान सम्मान निधि योजना के तहत अब तक किसानों को 1 लाख 60 करोड़ रुपये मिल चुके हैं। महामारी के दौरान छोटे किसानों को 1 लाख करोड़ रुपये बांटे गए। कोरोना महामारी के दौरान लगभग 2 करोड़ किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड वितरित किए गए, जिनमें से अधिकांश छोटे किसानों को दिए गए। ऐसे किसानों को देश के आगामी कृषि बुनियादी ढांचे और संचार बुनियादी ढांचे से लाभ मिलेगा। फूड पार्क, किसान रेल और इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर फंड जैसी पहलों से छोटे किसान भी लाभान्वित होंगे। इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर फंड ने पिछले साल 6,000 से अधिक परियोजनाओं को अधिकृत किया है।
Table of Contents
PM Kisan 11th Installment Date
The PM Kisan’s tenth instalment (10th Installment of PM Kisan Yojana) was disbursed in the first week of January by Respected Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi. Such being the case the eleventh instalment is expected to get disbursed in the first week of April following the trend. To learn more about the confirmed date, keep an eye on this page.
पीएम किसान की दसवीं किस्त (पीएम किसान योजना की 10वीं किस्त) जनवरी के पहले सप्ताह में आदरणीय प्रधान मंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा वितरित की गई थी। ऐसी स्थिति में ग्यारहवीं किस्त अप्रैल के पहले सप्ताह में जारी होने की उम्मीद है। निश्चित तिथि के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए, इस पृष्ठ पर नज़र रखें।
Farmers to Get Rs. 4000/- Under PM Kisan Scheme?
According to insiders, the administration may announce an hike in the amount paid to farmers under the PM Kisan Yojana Let us inform you that the Finance Minister Srimati Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget 2022 on February 1, 2022 and it is expected that the new changes (if any) will be announced at that session.
अंदरूनी सूत्रों के अनुसार, प्रशासन पीएम किसान योजना के तहत किसानों को भुगतान की जाने वाली राशि में बढ़ोतरी की घोषणा कर सकता है आपको बता दें कि वित्त मंत्री श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमण 1 फरवरी, 2022 को केंद्रीय बजट 2022 पेश करेंगी और उम्मीद है कि नई परिवर्तन (यदि कोई हो) की घोषणा उस सत्र में की जाएगी।
PM Kisan Yojana
Scheme Launched By | Prime Minister, Government of India |
Name of the Scheme | PM Kisan (Pardhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi) or PMKSNY |
Scheme Officially Inaugurated By | Sri Piyush Goyal |
Scheme Launched Date | 1st February 2019 |
Last Date of Registration | Now Extended till September 2022 |
Ministry of Government | Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
Benefits | Rs. 6000/- Annually i.e. Rs. 2000 /- per four months |
Beneficiary | The Farmers qualifying the eligibility criteria |
Official Website | |
Last Installment Payment | Last 10th Installment Payment was Made |
Last Installment Payment Date | January 2022 |
Mode of Payment | Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) |
PM Kisan Helplines | 155261, 011-24300606 |
Background of Pradhan Manrti Kisan Yojana
Indian Economy through agriculture.
India has secured 2nd place worldwide in terms of farm outputs.
She produced a total of 275 million tonnes of food grain in a span of a year (2017-2018).
50% of the population depend on agriculture for their daily livelihood with 70% of the rural population. 58% (including dependent population) of the population i.e 1,392,700,250 depends upon agriculture as a source of their livelihood.
It was estimated that a sum of 19.48 lakh crore was the Gross Value added by agriculture, forestry, and fishing in the year 2020
Agriculture renders about 17% to 18% of India’s GDP.
This shows that agriculture is the fundamental source of income in India.
There is no doubt that the Farmers are the backbone of India.
It is very aggravating to see that Agriculture forms around 14 percent of “Bharat Maa’s” economy while a total of 42% of all-around employment.
Therefore, we can conclude that India truly is a Mother that provides food to the World and ranks 2nd in the production.
India is rich in terms of agriculture.
Below is a table with all the statistics :
Richest Farmer of India | Pramod Gautam |
Annual Income of an average farmer | Rupees 1,22,616 (2018-19). 10218/month. |
Global Agricultural Exports | Ranks 9th (India) |
Agricultural Producer | Ranks 2nd (India) |
Why farmers can’t earn more? | Due to poor access to market information. |
Two main Crop seasons | Rabi and Kharif |
It is obvious for the Government to focus on agriculture as it serves employment to 42% of its population. The welfare of these farmers is crucial for the Indian economy to grow. Farmers face a lot of problems every day. Despite working hard each day. The daily routine of a normal farmer in India is very tiresome and hard. They wake up before the Sun and then take their cattle to graze, milk their cows, and take care of all the farm animals they have. then work all day at the fields, with a pack of lunch.
Imagine working under the sun all day. Oh! and they don’t get weekends. But, the rural parts of India mainly consist of peasant farmers, and their hard work is decided by the land they have rented or owned. They also work in someone else’s field on daily wages. Life for a farmer in India is tough. Most of their children don’t get the privilege and their hard work is at the mercy of nature. It seems unfair to some extent to see that people that grow edible items for us to consume are suffering.
It is evident that the richest farmer in India Mr.Pramod Gautam uses his engineering skills for a more profitable farming business. Whereas, the majority of the Indian farmers are illiterate and they only possess the skills to farm and basic preceptory notions of weather, with little to no idea on how to market their yield. The Government of India notices that farmers are mostly overlooked as their contribution may seem less but the statistics say otherwise and so keeping all of this in mind the Government has a scheme tailored for the welfare of these farmers of India.
The scheme is known as the “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PMKISAN).”
Scheme | PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna. |
Launched by? | Central Government of India. |
Launched for? | Marginal and small Indian farmers. |
Launched to? | Help the small and marginal farmers. |
Major Benefit. | 6000 rupees grant. (2000/month) |
Allotted States | All Indian States. |
Launched under | The State Government. |
Objective | Financial Assistance to farmers. |
Official website:
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana was launched on the 1st of December ‘2018 by the Government of Bharatiya Janata Party under the supervision of Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and the Government body provides a hundred percent funding for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
This Yojana or scheme aims to support the small and marginal farmers group of farmers who are eligible for a certain criteria that determines their financial status.
It supports the small and marginal farmers by granting income support of Rupees 6000 per year to every farmer falling under the set criteria all over India. The income support is broken down into three instalments. They grant 2000 per month.
The grant or the sum of 2000 rupees is transferred directly to the farmer’s bank account.
At the rise of Digital India initiative the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Yojana managed to positively affect and benefit twelve crore farmers in India.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is generally an old age pension scheme that includes all landholders “Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) in India. The scheme is entirely voluntary and contributory scheme for the age group ranging from 18-40 with a provision payment of 6000 rupees divided into three months.
PM Kisan Eligibility Criteria
- Farmers that own arable land under their name are eligible to apply for the “PMKisan Yojana.”
- This Yojana disregards the location and you can apply regardless of being in both the urban and rural areas.
- This Yojana is for small and marginal farmers.
Note: Here the family of landholders must have an ownership of upto 2 hectares. The family should not consist of relatives of other forms of relations.
The State Government together with the UT Administration will identify and evaluate the farmer’s families to verify their eligibility as per the guidelines.
This Yojana also has ineligibility criteria and they are listed below :
- Someone who is an Institutional landholder.
- Present or former state or central Government employees. This also includes PSUs and other autonomous government administrations.
- Citizens with a higher economic status are ineligible.
- Citizens that pay income taxes are not eligible.
- Citizens in professions like doctors, engineers and lawyers.
- Pensioners who receive a monthly pension of over a sum of 10,000 Rupees.
PM Kisan Progress
To view their progress till now please the link below the states included are as follows:
All the states and union territories in India.

Note: You need to click on the states to access the cities in the state to view their statistics.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana – The Central Scheme.
May 14th’21, The Government announced that they have given well over 19,000 crores, transferred directly to the personal bank accounts of the farmers.
This contribution by the Government has evidently taken the burden off their beneficiaries. With the widespread use of the Scheme it has made a difference to roughly about eleven crore farmers across the country. With more than 1,25000 crore deposited to the farmer’s bank account all over the country.
The Year 2020, has been a very dark year for this generation and these small and marginal groups of farmers incurred a big loss as most of what they grow are perishable and having no channels to stream their yield these farmers incurred a huge dent on their financial condition.
But, the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana managed to support these farmers during the pandemic with an estimate of about a sum of Rupees Sixty Crores deposited in course of the lockdown.
The amount transferred to these farmers can take a couple of days to process after the transaction. But, they can also check their PMKisan instalment status,lists,etc. easily.
The next instalment is set to be disbursed in December 2021.
Note: To this day a rough estimate of about 12.14 Crore farmers and their families have benefited from the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.

Farmers that have been continuously receiving these grants need not apply for the upcoming instalment.
They will receive their grant in time directly deposited to their respective bank accounts.
If you would like to check the status of your grant instalments then you can head over to their official websites
They also have produced an app for the same purpose you can download it on the Play Store app just click here!
How To Check PM Kisan Instalment Status ?
- Head over the official website of the PMKisan Yojana
- The PMKisan web page will load on the screen.
- As you explore the home page you will find a section titled “Farmer’s Corner.”

- Now, You just need to click or tap on it.
- A new page will load leading you right to a list of options.
- Search and pick the “Beneficiary Status” option.

- On this new page you will be required to enter your “Beneficiary Details.” There will be a list of Farmer’s identity and the amount sent to their bank account.
- Here you can pick between any of these details: Aadhar Card or Beneficiary Account Number.
- Then simply just click on “Get Data.”
A table should show up on the screen that consists of the history of all your instalments that you have received and you will receive with all the details necessary.
Here We are showing the present disbursement status of PMKSNY
Number of Installments | Status of Installment |
1st Installment | Disbursed |
2nd Installment | Disbursed |
3rd Installment | Disbursed |
4th Installment | Disbursed |
5th Installment | Disbursed |
7th Installment | Disbursed |
8th Installment | Disbursed |
9th Installment | Disbursed |
10th Installment | Disbursed |
11th Installment | Yet To Be Disbursed |
The primary objective of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is to equip small and marginal farmers with the necessary funds and grant them a sum of Rupees 2000 every three months transferred and deposited directly to their bank accounts.
A total number of 8 instalments has already been disbursed to 12 crore farmers across India.
How To Apply for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana ?
To avail all the benefits the PMKisan Yojana has to offer the small and marginal farmers. One must apply for the same.
Let me show you how you can apply from the PMKisan Yojana in a simple list format for you to enrol yourself in for the benefits it provides.
- First, You should visit the official website created by the Govt. via this link
- On the startpage, you will be required to scroll down till you find the farmer’s corner.
- In the “Farmer’s corner” tab available on the screen you will see an option titled, “New Farmer’s Registration.”

- Now, click on the same and let the page load.
- A Farmer’s Registration Page Tab will load on the screen with dialog boxes to be filled.
- The page will consist of instructions. You need to enter your Aadhar Card Number and copy the image code in the “Enter Image Text.”
- You now have to click on the Select Your State option.
- A set of drop down options with all the States in India will appear.
- Select your state as mentioned in the Aadhar card.
- Press on the blue “search” button below the State selection.
A new form will appear on the screen. This is the actual form and you have to fill it with all your personal details with no errors.
- After you are done with the filling of the form do take your time to re-check your inputs and assure no mistakes. Then, Click Submit.
- Now, Submit your bank details.
Your application form is submitted and now it is under review. The officials will review your form and details and upon successful verification you will be registered as a beneficiary to the grant PMKisan offers. You can review the status of your form by logging in to
Instalment | Period | Beneficiaries |
Seventh | December-March 2021 | 96,816,001 |
Sixth | August – November 2020-21 | 102,135,359 |
Fifth | April-July 2020-21 | 104,893,914 |
The fourth | December-March 2019-20 | 89,497,023 |
The third | August-November 2019-20 | 87,579,244 |
The second | April-July 2019-20 | 66,317,083 |
First | December-March 2018-19 | 31,605,060 |
Mandatory information required for registration of an eligible farmer in the scheme :
At the time of registration the subscriber must provide these mandatorily required documents and information issued by the Govt. Of India.
- Farmer’s full Name as per govt. issued documents/ Spouse’s full Name as per govt. issued document.
- Farmer’s/ Spouse’s Date of Birth as mentioned in the official documents
- Bank Account Number of the name mentioned (to be beneficiary).
- Contact/Mobile Number.
- Aadhar Card number
- Other Customer Information that you can obtain from the passbook that is required for the mandated registry.
The body that record, collect and validate the data fed by the beneficiary will the responsibility of either the Common service Centre e-governance services India Limited – Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC-SPV) or the State Nodal Officers (SNOs) under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) Scheme.
Furthermore, If there is a dispute of any sort at a later date by the customer on the debits to his/her account, the onus to resolve such issues and provide satisfaction to the customer will entirely be the responsibility of LIC.
How To Check PM Kisan Registration Status?
Now, Since we have applied for the PMKisan Yojana, how do we check the status of our registered application?
In order to check the status of your PMKisan Yojana or the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. You are required to follow the steps given below, it is presented in a list format for your ease.
- Go to your browser’s search bar and paste this link Alternatively, you can also click on it.

- Scroll down to the farmer’s corner tab with all the option lists.
- Among the options there will be a tab titled, “Beneficiary Status.”

- Select the tab by clicking on it.
- Another new page is going to load.
- There you will be asked to enter either of these three information i.e Aadhar Card Number, Account number or Mobile number.
- After you are done with adding the necessary details click on the green tab that says, “Get Data.”
- On the screen your Application form status data will be displayed for you to see.

Operating since 1st December 2018, the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana scheme paid its first instalment from the same date over an expansion till 31st March 2019 i.e in a period of three months availing the beneficiaries a grant of 2000 rupees per month.
Note: The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India will act as the Pension Fund Manager for the Scheme.
Instalments Till Date. | |
Dec- Mar 2020-21 | 9,17,35,253 |
Aug- Nov 2020-21 | 10,20,98,704 |
Apr-July 2020-2021 | 10,47,60,423 |
Dec-Mar 2019-20 | 8,94,52,175 |
Aug-Nov 2019-20 | 8,75,72,395 |
Apr-July 2019-20 | 6,63,16,797 |
Dec-Mar 2018-19 | 3,16,01,225 |
How To Update Pradhan Mantri Kissan Samman Nidhi Payment Status ?
- Head over to the official website for the PMKisan Yojana i.e
- The Start page will load with a group of options.
- On the startpage, you will be required to scroll down till you find the farmer’s corner.
- In the “Farmer’s corner” tab available on the screen you will see an option titled, “New Farmer’s Registration.”
- Now, click on the same and let the page load.
- A Farmer’s Registration Page Tab will load on the screen with dialog boxes to be filled.
- The page will consist of instructions. You need to enter your Aadhar Card Number and copy the image code in the “Enter Image Text.”
- You now have to click on the Select Your State option.
- A set of drop down options with all the States in India will appear.
- Select your state as mentioned in the Aadhar card.
- Press on the blue “search” button below the State selection.
Applying for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana via Bulk Entry method.
This method enables you to register multiple farmers at a time on the PM-Kisan website. That is, by the District and State level users to upload an XML file. Basically, a spreadsheet that contains all the list of the farmers that are to be registered.
- Head over to the official portal for the PMKisan Yojana i.e
- On the top line(in green colour) you will find a button saying “XML Upload” click on it.
- From the drop down menu select the “Upload Farmer Data” tab.
- Choose the Rural or Urban data Radio button.
- Upload the created XML file that has all the farmer’s information.
Great! You have successfully registered multiple numbers of farmers at once.
The application form is then circulated to numerous checkpoints with a thorough process of checking and validating to ensure the details given by the commoner is true for the payment to be processed.
Union Territory | Beneficiaries Registered | Successful Payments |
Andman and Nicobar Islands | 17,280 | 16,229 |
ANDHRA PRADESH | 5,810,856 | 4,488,040 |
ARUNACHAL PRADESH | 98,234 | 94,105 |
ASSAM | 3,122,499 | 1,434,446 |
BIHAR | 8,190,261 | 8,012,856 |
CHANDIGARH | 462 | 320 |
CHHATTISGARH | 3,664,286 | 2,578,076 |
DELHI | 16,280 | 14,865 |
GOA | 11,794 | 9,052 |
GUJARAT | 6,291,552 | 5,743,179 |
HARYANA | 1,943,886 | 1,772,290 |
HIMACHAL PRADESH | 951,465 | 909,059 |
JAMMU AND KASHMIR | 1,205,671 | 896,746 |
JHARKHAND | 3,071,081 | 1,540,063 |
KARNATAKA | 5,658,947 | 5,263,656 |
KERALA | 3,709,781 | 3,424,441 |
LADAKH | 18,872 | 16,818 |
LAKSHADWEEP | 2,117 | 1,284 |
MADHYA PRADESH | 8,851,795 | 8,343,286 |
MAHARASHTRA | 11,426,722 | 9,404,177 |
MANIPUR | 596,709 | 270,735 |
MEGHALAYA | 191,893 | 181,023 |
MIZORAM | 198,829 | 91,050 |
NAGALAND | 213,564 | 175,329 |
ODISHA | 4,050,227 | 3,663,975 |
PUDUCHERRY | 11,108 | 10,173 |
PUNJAB | 2,375,051 | 1,758,294 |
RAJASTHAN | 7,751,555 | 7,031,102 |
SIKKIM | 19,652 | 11,434 |
TAMIL NADU | 4,863,354 | 3,771,509 |
TELANGANA | 3,933,837 | 3,602,027 |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli And | ||
Daman and Diu | 15,011 | 9,927 |
TRIPURA | 238,865 | 211,309 |
UTTAR PRADESH | 27,975,947 | 25,532,728 |
UTTARAKHAND | 912,230 | 844,469 |
WEST BENGAL | 2,205,371 | 1,406,375 |
Application Form Rejection Under PM Kisan
Now, A farmer’s records and submission may be rejected for a lot of reasons in PM Kisan Registration process. These reasons include incorrect bank details, invalid bank account, first level rejections and misinformed gender etc. However, a correction gateway is provided to the State/District/Blocks with the intention to enable them to correct the details of the beneficiaries.
Rejected forms are listed in the respective gateway in accordance with the rejected data.
Invalid XML Data – Rural/ Urban
Farmers records and information are accepted during the initial stage of validation and are readily available for amendments and changes.
These records are available under the gateway for a couple of days after the registration of the form in the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana directory.
How are the payments for the Farmers approved ?
Once, the farmer’s submitted records are authenticated and deemed true to their knowledge via Aadhar and PFMS, these records are eligible to the states approval of payment. It can take approximately a month or so for the validation process and in this span of a month the entitled farmer may change or even be deemed ineligible by the verification team.
This process also known as “Lot Closure” is the section where you need to get through to be entitled to the grant given by PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
The State should follow the steps given below to complete this process that enable the farmer’s to get the payment :
- Check the lots that are open for the states for each and every instalment.
- Stop the payment of farmers if there is any.
- Now, close the lots.
- Sign the RFT’s and then upload them.
However,This process can and should only be carried out by the State users.
States can check the details of open lots for each instalment with numerous other valuable details like the batch numbers,etc in a report format by following these steps:
- Login to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Scheme’s portal via this link
- On the green coloured row of options search for the PFMS/FTO section and click on the same.
- In the drop down click on “Status of Open Lots”.
This will give you a brief summary of all the farmers for which the lots are open under each instalments.
If you would like to check the details of each batch then you need to click on the “List of Open Lots” link situated at the top-right corner of the screen. This will open a page where you can view each details of the batch which is open to the State for closure.
Valid and Invalid Farmer List for payments.
To check the list of Valid and Invalid farmers for payments one must follow these steps.
Note: This is very important as to know your position for being a beneficiary. Sometimes farmers complain that they didn’t receive their entitled amount. Hence, To be sure one should check them if they fall in these categories.
How to Download the List of Farmers/ Beneficiaries Under PM Kisan?
- Login to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Scheme’s portal via this link
- On the green coloured row of options search for the PFMS/FTO section and click on the same.
- In the drop down click on “Valid and Invalid Farmer List of Payment”.
You may require to use your data to accurately assess your data and that can be done by using the following filters to search for your account.
- Financial Year.
- Instalment number.
- Lot. No.
- Trimester No.
- State.
The District wise count of beneficiaries will be displayed, you can now download the list by clicking on the hyperlink.
You may follow these steps to successfully proceed with the lot closure.
- Using the link you must login.
- From the menu bar on the homepage select the PFMS/FTO option.
- A drop down menu will appear on the screen.
- You have to select the “Stop Payment Activity.”
- The user needs to select the financial year, trimester, instalment, and batch no.
- Then, all you have to do is click on “Submit.”
Upon which two buttons will show up will give you an option to stop payments of the farmers in this batch.
They have listed 2 methods for the same.
- Individual – This is a method with which one can stop a single farmer payment.
- Click on the Individual Radio Button.
- Enter the required registration number that needs the payment to be stopped.
- The details of that individual farmer will be displayed. User’s have to select the reason to stop the payment from the drop down menu.
- Just simply click on submit now.
- Bulk. With this method you can stop multiple payments at once.
- Click on the bulk radio button.
- Upload the excel file that contains the list of farmers whose payment needs to be stopped.
- The file should have a record threshold of 10,000 or less and the file should have a .xlsx in the end of the title. The Excel sheets should have only one column outlining the beneficiary IDs.
- Make sure the excel file has a header.
- Click on upload.
- After the completion of the stop payment activity you can proceed with the Lot Closure.
- The user has to select the financial year, instalments and batch no. To close the batch.
- Upon completion, the user has to press the blue button that says,”Stop Correction Activity.” It will be located at the top left corner of the window.
This will complete the Lot Closure and the user may now proceed to sign the RFT’s for these beneficiaries.
Demand Generation (FTO)
Now that the lots have been closed, you have to upload the RFTs and the steps to upload the RFTs.
Points to remember: This step is very essential as it leads to further payments.
- Login to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Scheme’s portal via this link
- On the green coloured row of options search for the PFMS/FTO section and click on the same.
- In the drop down click on “Demand Generation (FTO)”.
- Upload the signed RFTs.
RFTs can be signed digitally or manually.
- To sign them manually you must print the RFT in a .pdf format upon which you will acquire a physical copy of the same. Where you will be able to sign and then you can scan the document and re-upload to the portal.
- To sign it digitally the RFTs, first generate the automated RFT. Check on the Confirm digital signing option and click on the button that says, “Sign the RFT Digital.”
The RFT document will be digitally signed.
This could be done if you would like to change your account and enrol newly if you have some issues with the current state of your account.
Changing your password :
- Login to the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Scheme’s portal via this link
- On the menu bar of the start page select, ” User Management.”
- A drop down menu will appear, from there select Password Change.
- A dialogue box will appear where you have to enter the old password.
- Followed by the new password.
- Press on the Change Password button.
Now, your password has been changed !
This is how the Instalments have been carried out so far.
These reports are updated daily.
The scheduler runs at night after 10 p.m in a 24hrs interval.
They can be downloaded and printed with a button to do so at the top right corner.
Be sure to ignore the reports given below as they are intended for the Central Team or specific states.
- ABA District wise report.
- ABA Report.
- NITI aayog aspirational District Report.
Note: Every data ever entered or announced is available on the website. For anyone who wants to know more.
PM- Kisan helpline number – 011-24300606, 155261.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the definition of small and marginal farmers ?
Any farmer that owns less than 2 hectares of cultivable land are referred to as marginal farmers.
What are the benefits of the scheme ?
The subscriber or the beneficiary under this scheme shall obtain these benefits:
- Minimum Assured Pension.
- Family Pension.
- If the beneficiary has died of any cause before the age of 60 then, his or her spouse will be entitled to the benefits.
Will any individual farmer owing more than 2 hectares of land be eligible for the benefits of the scheme ?
No, They will not be eligible for the benefits under this scheme.
Does anyone with no landholding be eligible for this scheme ?
No, Landholding is a must have criteria for an individual to be eligible for the Scheme.
How will the beneficiary under the scheme be identified and shortlisted under the scheme ?
The land ownership system, in different states or union territories, will be used to identify the eligible SMF, subject to exclusion criteria.
What happens if the beneficiary gives incorrect information/declaration to be an eligible subscriber of the scheme ?
If an individual is caught using incorrect information to get the benefits from the scheme then the individual is no longer a beneficiary and he is liable to return all the contributions. However, no interest is charged for the same.
How will I renew my PM-KISAN account details ?
It is fairly simple follow the steps below:
Step 1 – Scroll down to “Farmer’s Corner.”
Step 2 – See the tabs there and locate “New Registration” or “Edit Aadhaar Details” or “Check Beneficiary Status.”
Step 3- Now, Fill all the asked documents and requirements. as per your Aadhaar Identification.
Who is the fund manager for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana ?
LIC or the Life Insurance Corporation of India acts as the fund manager for the PM-Kisan Yojana.
Who is eligible to get the benefits under the Scheme?
All Small and Marginal Farmers having cultivable land holding upto 2 hectares
falling in the age group of 18 to 40 years, whose names appear in the land records
States/UTs as on 01.08.2019 are eligible to get benefits under the Scheme.
However, out the these, the following are ineligible to get the benefits:
(1) (ii) SMFS covered under any other statutory social security schemes such as National Pension Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. scheme, Employees’ Fund Organisation Scheme etc.
(ii)Farmers who have opted for Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-SYM) administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment. Farmers who have opted for Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Man-dhan Yojana (PM-LVM) administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment.
(iv) Further, the following categories of beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefits under the scheme:
(a) All Institutional Land holders; and
(b) Former and present holders of constitutional posts
(c) Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers and former/present Members of Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha/ State Legislative Assemblies/ State Legislative Councils, former and present Mayors of Municipal Corporations, former and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats.
(d) All serving or retired officers and employees of Central/ State Government Ministries/ Offices/Departments and its field units Central or State PSES and Attached offices/ Autonomous Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies (Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees)
(e) All Individuals who paid Income Tax in the last assessment year.
(f) Professional workers such as Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Architects registered with Professional bodies and carried out their profession by undertaking practises.
Suggested Reading:
Go To Sundarban News Today’s Home Page | Click Here |
Go To PM Kisan Official Website | Click Here |
Go TO PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana’s Wikipedia Page | Click Here |