Vaccination For Children Aged 12 To 14 Is Expected To Begin In March: National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation

Vaccination For Children Aged 12 To 14: According to a statement published by NTAGI Chief Dr N K Arora, the Union Government plans to expand the COVID-19 Children’s Vaccination programme to include children aged 12 to 14. Over 7.5 million children are projected to be inoculated against COVID-19 beginning in March 2022. The entire vaccination process is supposed to held through Cowin, the portal used for vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccination for Children: As COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate, forcing school closures throughout the country. Under such situation, the Union Government has decided to take some preventative measures to protect children from the virus. To that aim, the Union Government is scheduled to expand the ongoing Children’s COVID-19 Vaccination Drive to include children aged 12 to 14 starting in March. NTAGI Chief Dr. NK Arora gave information regarding the feasibility of expanding COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 14.

India’s One Year of Covid-19 Vaccination Drive

The NTAGI Chairman has confirmed that children would be vaccinated for COVID-19.
According to a statement given by Dr. NK Arora, Chairman of India’s COVID-19 Working Group of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI), 12-14 age group covid vaccination is planned to begin in March 2022.

Vaccination For Children Aged 12 To 14
Vaccination For Children Aged 12 To 14

In a statement to the media, NTAGI Chief stated, “We intend to start vaccinating kids between the ages of 12 and 14 beginning in late February or early March.” During the conversation, he also said that an estimated 7.5 crore kids between the ages of 12 and 14 would be able to get the first dosage of Covaxin beginning in March 2022.

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Vaccination of 15 to 18-year-olds will be completed by the end of February. Currently, only students between the ages of 15 and 18 are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccination as part of the COVID-19 Vaccination for Children.

Covid Vaccine Booster Dose, 3rd Dose, Precaution Dose

Dr. Arora shared an update on the ongoing vaccination effort for 15 to 18-year-olds, saying, “Of the anticipated 7.4 crore (7,40,57,000) people in the 15-18 age group, over 3.45 crore have gotten the first dose of Covaxin so far, and their second dose is scheduled in 28 days.” Following the completion of the inoculation of children aged 15 to 18, the vaccination effort is scheduled to be expanded to children aged 12 to 14.

Suggested Reading:

Go To Sundarban News Today’s Home PageClick Here
Go To Cowin PortalClick Here
Covid-19 1st Dose Online Registration For Children (15 to 18 years)Click Here
Article CategoryCovid-19
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