Antiguan Youth Press Secretary Demands Justice in Landmark Legal Action for Contract Violations

Antiguan Youth Demands Justice in Landmark Legal Action for Contract Violations

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, October 9, 2023: In a momentous legal action, the Heskey Family Trust and Searaven Glauben Global, Inc. (Antigua) have initiated legal proceedings against multiple defendants, including Uniworld Holdings Inc., Uniworld Foundation Org., Mr. William (“Bill”) Matos, Kingdom International Reserve Bank, Yida International Investment Limited (Antigua), RBVI Limited (Antigua), Yida International Investment Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Qinglong Lake Hengda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., YuAn Investment (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Wang Zhen, Wu Hongwei, Lux Locations, Mr. Gao Mingli, “Crista,” “Kim,” VISS Ventures, LLC., and other individuals and entities, as well as the previous translators of Mr. Yida.

Joshua, a 19-year-old Seventh Generation Antiguan and Youth Press Secretary, voiced concerns about the situation: “My siblings and I are proud Antiguans who seek better opportunities for our generation. We demand fairness in how we are treated, just as we expect other foreigners to be treated when they arrive on our shores. Discrimination has no place in Antigua.”

“My siblings and I demand fairness in how we are treated, just as we expect other foreigners to be treated when they arrive on our shores. Discrimination has no place in Antigua.” – Joshua

Background of Heskey Family Trust: The Heskey Family Trust has deep roots in Antigua’s socio-cultural and economic history, spanning seven generations. The trust is committed to community development and has pledged over 70% of its profits to support various causes, including cancer research and social
and environmental impact initiatives.

Summary of Allegations: The plaintiffs accuse some of the defendants of conspiracy, collusion, breach of contract, violations of non-circumvent and non-disclosure agreements, racial discrimination, and failure to fulfill fiduciary duties. The legal action seeks legal remedies, including judgments, reimbursement of legal fees, and other relief.

Summary of Relief Sought by the Plaintiff: The plaintiffs request the Court’s intervention to address the alleged wrongdoings and breaches by the defendants. Relief sought includes:

1. Cancellation of Injunction and Enforcement Action: The Plaintiff seeks an order to cancel existing injunctions and enforcement actions related to the Yida and Lux Locations matter until the case is fully resolved.

2. Judgment of $850 Million (USD) Against Yida and Matos: The Plaintiff requests a judgment of $850 million USD against Yida, Matos, and their related companies in compensation for alleged breaches of contract and associated damages.

3. Reimbursement of Legal Fees and Professional Expenses: The Plaintiff seeks reimbursement of all legal and professional expenses incurred during the litigation.

4. Award of $2.5 Billion in Loss of Profit Damages Against Yida and Matos: The Plaintiff seeks $2.5 billion USD in compensation for alleged loss of profit damages resulting from the actions of Yida and Matos and their related companies.

5. Reimbursement of Court Costs: The Plaintiff requests reimbursement of all costs associated with the legal proceedings.

6. Compel the Defendants to Binding Arbitration: Alternatively, the Plaintiff intends to ask the Court to compel the Defendants to engage in binding arbitration to resolve disputes in accordance with applicable arbitration agreements.

Presentation of Evidence: The plaintiff intends to present substantial evidence, including over two years of digital data and other documents, to substantiate their case. Additionally, they await responses from unnamed co-conspirators before proceeding further in adding other unnamed co-conspirators as defendants.

Support from Beneficiaries: Simaya, one of the beneficiaries at 17 years old, emphasized, “I would like to see Antiguans retain control over their own lands.” Sierra, aged 15, added, “I am concerned that a few years from now, young Antiguans like myself will have nothing left to enjoy, no lands, no beaches, no jobs, no nothing if we don’t fight for what we have.” Darious, in support of his siblings, stated, “We have lost our agriculture, farming, and love for our fellow Antiguans, we are divided, and when we are divided, others will conquer us! We must stick together, or we will lose everything and become slaves, unable to pay our bills while others subject us to low wages and neo-slavery.”

About the legal action: This landmark case in Antigua and Barbuda addresses contract disputes, discrimination, and fiduciary duty issues. It underscores the plaintiffs’ commitment to seeking justice and fairness in business dealings.

About the Heskey Family Trust

Heskey Family Trust
[email protected]

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