Assam HS Result 2021: Today, the results were declared for Special Exam of Assam Higher Secondary Exam. For any Update regarding Assam HS Result 2021, stay tuned with this article
Today, the Assam Council of Higher Secondary Education (AHSEC) released its results for special exam. Students who took the test are herby advised to check their respective results on the AHSEC’s website, i.e. On September 18, 2021, the special test was held offline at several exam locations.
The Assam Board cancelled the examination because to the COVID-19 epidemic, and the students’ scores were issued based on the internal evaluation policy. And now the result for AHSEC Assam HS Result special exam is out.
The board did, however, enable students who were dissatisfied with their results to take a supplementary examination. According to official data, this year’s total pass percentages in the arts, science, and commence are 98.93 percent, 99.06 percent, and 99.57 percent, respectively.

Table of Contents
AHSEC Exam in Nutshell
Organizers of the Examination | Assam Higher Secondary Education Council |
Exam Name | Assam Special Higher Secondary Final Examination, 2021 |
Examination Type | Written Examination |
Streams | Arts, Commerce, Science and Vocational |
Exam Date | October 1st to November 11th 2021 |
Result date | July 31st 2021 |
Result Date (Special Exam) | December 11th 2021 |
Result Status | Declared |
Official Website | |
How You Can Get Aasam HS Result for 2021 Checked Online?
Students who have already taken the HS final examinations in the Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational Streams in 2021 and waiting for the results, can visit this page for updates on their results. Students can get their results online by observing the navigation guide as mentioned below :
Step 1: Candidates must go to the official website of the Assam Council of Higher Secondary Education (AHSEC) at to check their Assam Class 12 Special Result.
Step 2: Go to the “HS Result 2021 Assam (Special Examination)” link on the webpage.
Step 3: To log in, input the student’s roll number, captcha code, and any other necessary information.
Step 4: After logging in, select “Get Result” to view the results of the AHSEC Class 12 special test.
Step 5: It is strongly advised that applicants print their results for future reference.

Aasam HS Examination Details
For AHSEC Class 12 students, the wait is finally over. On December 11th , 2021, the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) released the AHSEC HS Result.
Education Minister Ranjoj Pegu has released the AHSEC 2021 Result Date. Around 2.49 lakh students were set to sit for the HS final examinations in Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational Streams this year, but the Assam government cancelled them owing of the COVID-19 epidemic.
As a result, the Assam government created an AHSEC Result assessment algorithm based on candidates’ HSLC marks (known as evolution formula), practical exam score, assignment, project work, unit test, and other elements.
Assam HS Result FAQs
Question: What is the official website for checking Assam High School Result 2021?
Answer: The official result websites are and
Question: When will the AHSEC Result 2021 be released by the board?
Answer: The date for the Assam HS 12th Results 2021 has been set for July 31, 2021 at 9 a.m.
Question: When will the AHSEC Result 2021 for Special Exams be released by the board?
Answer: The date for the Assam HS 12th Results 2021 for Special Exams has been set for December 11th, 2021 at 12 noon.
Question: What information is needed to verify the SEBA HS 2nd Year Result 2021?
Answer: Candidates can use their Examination Roll Number to view their HS 2nd Year board exam results.