Unknown Facts About Sundarban Royal Bengal Tiger:
There is indeed something Royal about the Royal Bengal Tiger. We can easily see why it is so and why this feline species is considered as one of the most magnificent creatures on the planet. India’s national animal, the Bengal tiger, has made the country a popular destination for tiger excursions. In fact, this ferocious-looking tiger is distinct from other large animals in its family, making a trip to India’s tiger sanctuaries (mainly Sundarban Forest) a necessity.

There isn’t a single person who hasn’t been wowed by this magnificent Indian big cat, which has canines longer than lions’ and can eat 30 to 40 kilogrammes of meat at a time. Tigers in general, despite their (ill)reputation as predators, are actually quite loving and protective when it comes to their families. They can also mimic the sounds of various animals to lure their prey, and they can even run at a speed of 60 kilometres per hour for short distances. In India, there is a sanctuary in Sundarbans, named as Sundarban National Park for the Bengal Tigers.
However, there are many other fascinating information about this critically endangered species that you should know. Keep reading to know about those facts
- Like humans, tigers have a distinct personality and may be identified individually. No two Royal Bengal tigers are exactly same because of their distinct striping patterns.
- The tigers are trained to be predators from birth. They know just where to strike in order to get it’s prey’s limbs dissociated from its body. Any animal’s spine is vulnerable to the ferocity of the Bengal Tiger. And when the animal’s neck is in their paws, it’s a given that it’s dead.
- Instead of roaring, tigers hiss and fluff during a fight. The roaring generally occurs when the tigers are calling out other tigers that are far away.
- As with domestic cats, these huge cats have a lot of the common behaviors. The cubs are born blind and deaf for the first week of their lives.
- Male tigers feed after the females and cubs have had their fill, unlike lions, which like to eat before the females and cubs.
- In India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and China, these Royal Bengal Tigers are found but in lower numbers.
- The Royal Bengal Tiger of Sundarbans is the only tiger in the world that lives in mangrove woods.
- These Tigers have formidable sensory abilities, like six times the night vision and five times the hearing of humans. Their screams may also be heard from a distance of two kilometres.
- Poaching for its skin and bones is putting this gorgeous species in danger. In Asian countries, Royal Bengal Tiger’s skin and bones are utilised for therapeutic purposes, whereas in other countries they are used for other uses. The protection of tigers in India has been the subject of several initiatives, including Project Tiger, the Save the Tiger campaign, and others.
- The memory of the Royal Bengal Tiger is far superior than that of most other animals including people.
- Because of the antiseptic characteristics of the Royal Bengal Tiger’s saliva, it is able to heal its wounds when it is wounded . Furthermore, its saliva also helps to cease the bleeding.
- Hunting deer, wild boar, badger, and water buffalo is usual for the magnificent Royal Bengal Tiger.
- One can’t under-estimate the power of a Bengal Tiger. A dead bison weighing more than a tonne has been found to be dragged by a Royal Bengal Tiger whereas the same bison couldn’t be moved by 13 people altogether. Hope you can anticipate the power that a Bengal Tiger can unleash!
- Panthera Tigris Tigris is the tiger’s scientific name. Male tigers weigh 200-300 Kg, while females weigh 181-100 Kg. 0Male tigers are10-8 feet tall, while females are 9-9 feet tall.
- The oldest evidence of a tiger fossil have been found in Sri Lanka, not India or Bangladesh, which is a fascinating fact regarding the Royal Bengal Tiger. Tigers are widely believed to have roamed Sri Lanka about 16,500 years ago.
- It is quite rare to find white Bengal tigers (sometimes confused with Albino). Because of a genetic abnormality, these tigers are white, but not albino, because they have black stripes across their bodies.
- The Bengal Tiger prefer to live alone in India. These have become an endangered species now.
- Mangroves, marshes, and grasslands are common habitats for this species. Most often spotted in groups of three or four during the breeding season.
- Although they are not physically suitable for it, Royal Bengal Tigers may nonetheless climb trees to catch prey in spite of their massive size if the need arises.
- The Indian national animal, the Royal Bengal Tiger, is an excellent swimmer due of its natural environment. Because of the mangroves, they are more likely to swim, and they may also hunt in the water.
- The pregnancy time for the Royal Bengal tigress’s cubs is three months.
- In captivity, tigers can live up to 25 years longer than in the wild.
From all these information, we hope you will concur that this gorgeous tiger is a must-see for anybody who has ever had the pleasure of learning about it.
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